n-400 Checklist

Documents required from you:

  1. Passport
  2. Permanent Resident Card (Front and Back)
  3. Birth Certificate
  4. Address history for the last 5 years
    1. Address
    2. Date from
    3. Date to
  5. Height, Weight, eye color, hair color
  6. Employment/school information for the last 5 years
    1. Company/school name
    2. Address
    3. Date from
    4. Date to
    5. Occupation
  7. Travel history for the last 5 years
    1. Date you left USA
    2. Date you returned to USA
    3. Country you visited
  8. Current marital status
    1. Single
    2. Married
    3. Divorced
    4. Widowed
    5. Separated
    6. Annulled
  9. Spouse passport
  10. Marriage certificate
  11. Spouse’s current address
  12. If your spouse has any prior marriage-
    1. Prior spouse name
    2. Date of birth
    3. Country of birth
    4. Date of marriage
    5. Date of divorce
  13. Children information (all)
    1. Passport
    2. Current address