i-918supa Checklist

  1. Passport
  2. Passport of the family member you are applying for
  3. Passport of spouse of the family member you are applying for (If any)
  4. Passport of all children of the family member you are applying for (If any)
  5. Birth Certificate
  6. Birth Certificate of the family member you are applying for
  7. Birth Certificate of spouse of the family member you are applying for (If any)
  8. Birth Certificate of all children of the family member you are applying for (If any)
  9. Marriage certificate of the family member you are applying for
  10. Divorce certificate of the family member you are applying for (If any)


  1. Who are you applying for?
    1. Spouse
    2. Parent
    3. Child
    4. Sibling under 18 years of age
  2. Your Current Address
  3. Marital status of the family member you are applying for
    1. Single
    2. Married
    3. Divorced
    4. Widowed
  4. Last entry, of the family member you are applying for, into USA information (If applicable)
    1. Date of entry
    2. City/Town
    3. State
    4. Current Immigration status (If any)