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1 - I am very unsatisfied2345 - The firm served me exceptionally well.
1 - I won't2345 - Very likely - without hesitation.
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeither Satisfied Nor DissatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery Unsatisfied
Timeliness in returning calls/emailsSpeaking with an actual attorney when I callReceiving frequent case status updatesCourteousness of staff and attorneysSpeed of settling a caseFinancial resultsAbility to meet deadlinesThe firm's track recordNumber of attorneys at the firmLitigation experienceTrustworthinessAbility to problem solve and find creative solutionsThe firm co-counsels with top-notch attorneys when necessaryOther attorneys reach out to us when they need helpOffice location in the Chicago LoopProviding you with updates in the law and useful informationFirm has a blog and social media presenceOnline rankings and reviews (Yelp, Avvo, Google Places, etc.)
Yes - mostly from my home and my mobile deviceYes - mostly not from my home (library, work, mobile device)No
Own an iPhone?Own an Android phone (For example, a Samsung, HTC, or LG)?Own a Blackberry device?Own an iPad?Own an Android tablet?Own a different kind of tablet?